Analog Thoughts
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Hawthorne Stereo: Purveyors of the analog lifestyle.
Since the dark days of the CD-dominated 1990s, sales of new turntables have increased steadily for many reasons. Vinyl is thought by many to be more enjoyable to listen to, much music is only available on LP, the art of LP sleeve design was never matched by CDs and jewel cases, and collecting and playing records is just plain fun. Seems like everyone’s checking out these newfangled vinyl records and their superior sound. We stock new tables from Rega, Pro-Ject, Music Hall, and Audio-Technica. We also specialize in reconditioning and upgrading the Linn LP-12 Sondek and Thorens turntables, as well as general service and repair for nearly all brands of turntables. Whether it's a simple oil change and suspension set-up or a full Naim upgrade to ultimate levels, see us to get the best from your table. Meanwhile, may we provoke your thoughts:
"The AV market has nothing to do with producing high-quality sound or anything whatsoever to do with music".
- Rega founder Roy Gandy
"So which version of a digitally recorded solo piano recital do you think would sound better? The vinyl LP version cut from the full 20-bit resolution master? Or the CD edition dithered down to 16 bits?"
"I hear you: 'Solo piano on vinyl? Are you kidding?' No. If an occasional pop or click is enough to scare you away, I guess live music is out of the question, too. After all, what's worse? An occasional tick? A bit of "pre-echo"? Or the rich reverberant decay of smoker's cough? Like the occasional pops and clicks on a side of vinyl, a few hackers lurk in every concert hall. Once you get into the music, the hackers and chronic throat clearers magically fade away. They're still there, but do you hear them? I don't I'm listening to the music, not phlegm."
"After comparing the fine-sounding 16-bit Sonata CD with a breathtaking LP test pressing transferred with all bits on board, I don't understand how anyone who calls him or herself an audiophile can live without a turntable."
- Michael Fremer, Stereophile, March 1997. used with permission.